Harmonogram nauki pływania od podstaw w Triathlonie na basenie MOSiR Gdańsk Chełm

Triathlon swimming lessons

We invite people who are afraid of water and can not swim, and the dream of competing in triathlon.
Classes begin the taming of water, and then learn the basics correct long-distance swimming.
After completing the learning phase in a small pool in the group we continue perfecting swimming in the large pool.

more information … ->

Triathlon swimming lessons pool MOSiR Gdańsk Chełm

Pricing table with an Table ID of "schedulenpdch" is not defined.

The duration of classes is 40 minutes.

Discount for students is available only with a valid student ID.

There is no possibility of booking a ticket on a one-time entry.

Ticket for one entrance you can buy immediately before the classes
provided that on any given day, about the time the course will be available free space.

Wait until you come people with passes, and then ask if there is available space.

In the absence of places you can not buy a ticket.


Registration .. ->

Price list ..->

Calendar days off from classes ..->